2.5" Violet Purple AMETHYST SCEPTER Double Terminated Crystal Zimbabwe for sale

  • $30.00$100.00
  • Mineral: Amethyst
  • Product Code: EB1118QAZ4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.5 violet purple amethyst scepter double terminated crystal zimbabwe for sale, eb1118qaz4, amethyst, 02-february, quartz-amethyst

This is a doubly terminated amethyst scepter crystal from the 2015 find in Zimbabwe. The crystal also is skeletalized and elestial, which is a rare combination. The color is a rich shade of purple, with clear areas as well. This is a floater crystal, which grew in the mud in the pocket without contacting any of the side walls. It is a great display piece which fits nicely in the hand.

Location St Anns Mine, Mwami, Karoi District, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
Size 2.5" x 1.3" x 1.1"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand