5.2" Blue Green FLUORITE Sharp Cubic Crystals to .6" Rogerley Mine UK for sale

  • $75.00$250.00

Tags: 5.2 blue green fluorite sharp cubic crystals to .6 rogerley mine uk for sale, eb0518frog5, fluorite blue-green

The largest crystal  on this Rogerley Mine fluorite specimen is .6 inches, tip-to-tip. The piece has some daylight fluorescence (it also fluoresces magnificently under LW UV. The crystals are unusually gemmy, actually many are gem clear throughout with almost none of the air bubbles inside that give many Rogerley pieces a whitish appearance. There is no distracting damage, as nearly all the crystals are in great shape.

Location Rogerley Mine, Frosterly, Westgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England, UK
Size 5.2" x 5.0" x 2.6"
Suggested Stand Large 3.4" Peg Stand