4.4" Mirror AZURITE Terminated Dazzling Crystals +Malachite Milpillas for sale

  • $487.50$1,950.00
  • Mineral: Azurite
  • Product Code: EB1216AZMIL4
  • Availability: In Stock

Here is an exceptional specimen of azurite from the Milpillas Mine in Mexico. It is made up of sharp azurite crystals with outstanding luster.  They have a tabular shape, and feature the characteristic deep, rich blue of Milpillas azurite. There is also a large crsytal of malachite in a rich, dark green color, which has pseudomorphed from azurite to malachite. No damage.

Location Milpillas Mine, near Milpillas, Cananea District, Sonora, Mexico
Size 4.4" x 1.6" x 0.9"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand