1.4" WetLook JetBlack DRAVITE TOURMALINE (Formerly Uvite) Pierrepont NY for sale

  • $48.75$195.00

Here is a superb cluster of dravite crystals, the manganese-rich member of the tourmaline group (for over a hundred years it was believed to be uvite). The crystal are set on slghtly smoky quartz, and have good trigonal terminations. They have spectacular, wet-look luster and are colored jet black. I collected this  specimen at the famous Power's Farm locality in upstate New York in 1996. There is no damage.

Location Power's Farm, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence Co., New York, USA
Size 2.0" x 1.9" x 1.6"
Suggested Stand A clear acrylic display box comes free with this specimen.