8.5" Puffy White OKENITE Radiating Crystal Balls on Basalt Matrix India for sale

  • $315.00$900.00
  • Mineral: Okenite
  • Product Code: EB0316OKEN4
  • Availability: In Stock

In 2015, the last of the quarries in India which for years produced okenite were shut down for good, thus ending a run of cheap, easy-to-find specimens of this intriguing zeolite mineral. So suddenly, the Indian dealers jacked up their prices on their remaining okenite specimens, pricing them out of reach of most buyers. I found this one on the table of a German dealer, who had not heard the news, and I was very pleased with the fine quality and excellent coverage (not to mention the fair price). A few of the puffballs are compressed, but the damage is minimal and pretty much unnoticeable.

Location Poona, Mahashtra, India
Size 8.5" x 7.7" x 2.8"
Suggested Stand A suitable display stand comes free with this specimen.