6.2" Dark Red GROSSULAR GARNET (v. Hessonite) w/DIOPSIDE Eden Mills VT for sale

  • $125.00$500.00

Here is an excellent specimen of blood red grossular garnet crystal, set on a large piece of matrix with pastel green diopside crystals, which coat the surface of the specimen.  The color is very rich and deeply saturated, and the undamaged opaque crystals are very sharply formed, sitting atop the diopside which provides great contrast.  And, the luster is very bright, helping to make this a top piece.  It is many years since the mine was closed to collecting by the EPA, and there will be no more material coming from this long-time classic locality.  I collected this piece myself from the C Pit in 1999.

Location VAG Quarry, Eden Mills, Lamoille Co., Vermont, USA
Size 6.2" x 5.9" x 5.8"
Suggested Stand N/A