6.1" Mont Saint-Hilaire AEGERINE ANALCIME RHOCOCHROSITE Pocket Lining for sale

  • $30.00$100.00
  • Mineral: Rhodochrosite
  • Product Code: EB0516RHAAQ4
  • Availability: In Stock

Here is a great Mont Saint-Hilaire combination specimen, featuring fine crystals of black aegerine, reddish brown rhodochrosite, white analcime, and tan siderite. I collected this specimen myself from a large pocket which was opened while I was at the quarry in 1996. By large, I mean that two men could work inside the pocket at the same time!  This was one of the best combination pieces we extracted from the lining of the pocket. There is no damage. Mont Saint-Hilaire has been closed to collecting since new owners took over in 2007.

Location Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada
Size 6.1" x 4.2" x 2.2"
Suggested Stand Large 3.4" Peg Stand