5.3" TABULAR QUARTZ Bright Shiny Crystal w-Lots of Baby Tabbies Brazil for sale

  • $24.00$80.00
  • Mineral: Quartz-Other
  • Product Code: EB0219QTAB4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 5.3 tabular quartz bright shiny crystal w-lots of baby tabbies brazil for sale, eb0219qtab4, quartz-other, tucson 19

Tabular quartz crystals, sometimes referred to as "tabbies", have two wide, flat sides. Sometimes they are merely thin slabs of quartz which have re-healed on one or both of the flat sides. But this piece is in fact a complete crystal, double terminated, with crystal faces on all sides. And, it is a floater, meaning it formed in soft clay, so there are no contact points. The terminations are broad chisel tips. One side of the crystal is bright and shiny, and the other side is loaded with bright, shiny, smaller tabbies to almost 1" that have grown all over the wide, flat crystal face.

Location Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size 5.3" x 3.9" x 0.2"
Suggested Stand Small 3.5" Easel Stand