4.7" Dark ReddishBrown STAUROLITE Crystals in Mica Schist Pearl Lake NH for sale

  • $21.00$70.00
  • Mineral: Staurolite
  • Product Code: EB0517STAUNH4
  • Availability: In Stock

Before it was closed in 2011, the hill behind Pearl Lake was the premiere locality for staurolite in New England. I found this piece in 2005, about halfway up the north side of the hill. It features several crystals, one twinned and one that is nearly 2" long. All the crystals are a dark, reddish brown color, which contrasts nicely with the gray schist matrix.

Location Pond Hill, Pearl Lake, Lisbon, Grafton Co., New Hampshire, USA
Size 4.7" x 2.8" x 1.9"
Suggested Stand Medium 2.5" Peg Stand