4.1" Elongated Group FADEN QUARTZ Crystals +White Bubble Lines Pakistan for sale

  • $37.50$125.00
  • Mineral: Quartz-Faden
  • Product Code: EB0516QFAD5
  • Availability: In Stock

Here is an outstanding specimen of faden quartz, with a very sharply defined white bubble line running through the middle of a line of tabular quartz crystals. The crystals are all flattened (tabular) forms, and are double-terminated widthwise. The white line stands out nicely against the very clear gemmy quartz, making this an excellent example of this unusual form of quartz.

Location Dara Ismael Khan District, South Waziristan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan
Size 4.1" x 1.3" x 0.6"
Suggested Stand A display square comes free with this specimen.