3.8" Lustrous Elestial ENHYDRO QUARTZ Crystals with Moving Bubble China for sale

  • $22.50$75.00

Tags: 3.8 lustrous elestial enhydro quartz crystals with moving bubble china for sale, eb0118qenhyc6, quartz-enhydro bubble

The term "enhydro" means there is fluid water trapped inside a hollow area within the crystal. The fluid can be very old and more than likely very pure. Rarely, floating bubbles have formed inside this inner chamber, most commonly composed of air or carbon dioxide. On this specimen there is an easily spotted air bubble that is about 1.5 mm in diameter, which is colroed coal-like black by carbon inclusions. The enclosing rock is a superb specimen of jacare (alligator) quartz, with slightky smoky edges and flashing parallel-growth crystal faces.

Location Jinkouhe District, Leshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China
Size 3.8" x 2.4" x 1.9"
Suggested Stand Medium 2.5" Peg Stand