1.7" 97ct Gemmy Mint Green HIDDENITE Terminated Crystal Afghanistan for sale

  • $52.50$175.00
  • Mineral: Hiddenite
  • Product Code: EB0616HIDD4
  • Availability: In Stock

The cool, light, minty green color of this specimen of hiddenite is delightful. The crystal is sharply  terminated on one end, andd bluntly termianted on the other. The side faces are unusually clear and clean, so you can easily see the icy-clear gemmy clarity of the inside. Also, this is a pleochroic mineral, meaning the color is most intense when viewed from the top down (or bottom up), rather than through the sides, and on this one the pleochroism is remarkabe.  This is a showy, dramatic specimen with great display aesthetics and wonderful eye appeal.

Location Khwar Mine, Konar Valley, Konar Province, Afghanistan
Size 1.7" x 0.8" x 0.6"
Suggested Stand A display square comes free with this specimen.