3.6" Pearly White CERUSSITE Sharp Toothpick-Thick Crystals Flux Mine AZ for sale

  • $19.50$65.00
  • Mineral: Cerussite
  • Product Code: EB1114CFLUX4
  • Availability: In Stock

Old time cerussite specimens from Arizona's Flux Mine are rarely available these days. This one was collected in the 1970s, and it features lustrous, pearl-white crystals to 9 mm on a high contrast dark brown gossan matrix. The crystals are sharply formed and damage-free, and are laced on and through all sides of this fine piece.

Location Flux Mine (Goshen Mine), Patagonia Mts, Santa Cruz Co., Arizona, USA
Size 3.4" x 2.3" x 1.9"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand