5.5" MSH RHODOCHROSITE-ANALCIME-AEGERINE Crystals Mont St. Hilaire Quebec Canada

  • $58.50$195.00
  • Mineral: Rhodochrosite
  • Product Code: EB0616RHOQ4
  • Availability: In Stock

Mont Saint-Hilaire has been closed for years now, so there will be no more of the great material found her appearing on the market. I collected this specimen myself in 1996, from a huge pocket that me and my friend could fit inside! The piece features brown rhodochrosite, white analcime crystals, and black aegerine needle crystals, with 100% coverage and no damage.

Location Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada
Size 5.5" x 4.8" x 2.2"
Suggested Stand Large 3.4" Peg Stand