2.2" DblTerminated ELESTIAL AMETHYST Crystal Rich Royal Purple Zimbabwe for sale

  • $30.00$100.00
  • Mineral: Amethyst
  • Product Code: EB1118QASCZ4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.2 dblterminated elestial amethyst crystal rich royal purple zimbabwe for sale, eb1118qascz4, amethyst, 02-february, quartz-amethyst

In 2015 in Zimbabwe, there was a new find of amethyst at the St. Ann's Mine. Here is an elestial amethyst crystal from that discovery that is glassy and lustrous, with rich violet amethyst and lightly smoky amethyst colors inside. The crystal, which is nearly complete all around, is doubly terminated, with multiple tips at both ends, and it has some of the characteristics of a scepeterd crystal as well. The amazing sculptural form and rich purple color make this a fine piece with great display aesthetics.

Location St Anns Mine, Mwami, Karoi District, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
Size 2.2" x 1.6" x 1.5"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand