5.7" Crystal Pocket of Dark SMOKY QUARTZ and Tan MICROCLINE Ossipee NH for sale

  • $19.50$65.00
  • Mineral: Smoky Quartz
  • Product Code: EB0619QSNH4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 5.7 crystal pocket of dark smoky quartz and tan microcline ossipee nh for sale, eb0619qsnh4, smoky quartz, quartz-smoky

Here is a large, well crystallized plate of smoky quartz crystals on cream-colored microcline feldspar. The smoky quartz crystals are bright, shiny and highly lustrous, and are colored a rich smoky gray. The microcline is also sharply crystallized as square, blocky crystals that jut straight up out of the matrix in the crystal lined pocket. I collected this piece myself at Site 9 at the Folsom Gulch locality in Ossipee, NH (since 2018 a closed locality)

Location Site 9, Folsom Gulch, Ossipee, Carroll Co., New Hampshire, USA
Size 5.7" x 4.9" x 3.1"
Suggested Stand Large 3.4" Peg Stand