3.7" Bright Turquoise Blue ROSASITE Hemisphere Balls on Limonite Lavrion Greene

  • $15.00$50.00
  • Mineral: Rosasite
  • Product Code: EB1014ROSAG1
  • Availability: In Stock

The bright turquoise blue spheres of rosasite on this specimen are absolutely stunning, showing up as soft, rounded mounds that sit above the dark brown limonite matrix underneath. The aurichalcite shows up in a few spots, but it is the rosasite that really pops on this specimen, which has no noticeable damage.

Location Kamareza Mine, Agios Konstantinos, Lavrion (Laurion), District, Attiki, Greece
Size 3.7" x 2.4" x 1.9"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand