2.3" Sparking RAINBOW AURA SPIRIT QUARTZ Terminated Crystals So.Africa for sale

  • $42.00$140.00
  • Mineral: Quartz-Aura
  • Product Code: EB0519QARAIN4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.3 sparking rainbow aura spirit quartz terminated crystals so.africa for sale, eb0519qarain4, quartz-aura

This incredibly sparkly rainbow aura quartz specimen was created by super-heating a specimen of spirit quartz in a vacuum, and then infusing it with vaporized titanium. The color is a brilliant iridescent combination of magenta, gold, turquoise, and blue, which completely covers the sharp, undamaged, terminated quartz crystals on this piece.

Location Magaliesberg Mountains, Near Pretoria, Gautheng Province, South Africa
Size 2.3" x 1.7" x 1.7"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand