2.4" Bright Twinkling RAINBOW SPIRIT QUARTZ Sharp Crystals South Africa for sale

  • $45.00$150.00
  • Mineral: Quartz-Aura
  • Product Code: EB0518QARAIN4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.4 bright twinkling rainbow spirit quartz sharp crystals south africa for sale, eb0518qarain4, quartz-aura

Here is is a fine group of terminated spirit quartz crystals that have been infused with gold in the lab to create a piece of opalescent, rainbow-colored aqua aura that twinkles and glitters in the light. The iridescent colors seem alive as they sparkle off the crystal points that cover all sides of the quartz. The effect is mesmerizing as it is turned in the light, producing a breathtaking, flashy display.

Location Magaliesberg Mountains, Near Pretoria, Gautheng Province, South Africa
Size 2.4" x 1.9" x 1.3"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand