3.3" Vivid Green PYROMORPHITE VerySharp Crystals 1999 Find Loudville MA for sale

  • $75.00$250.00
  • Mineral: Pyromorphite
  • Product Code: EB0116PYRO4
  • Availability: In Stock

The small crystals on this cabinet size specimen of pyromorphite are very sharply formed, and are colored a rich crayon green. This color and crystallization is characteristic of the historic 1999 find I made in Loudville, when my digging partner and I turned up a two foot boulder covered with similar crystals.  This is an excellent  specimen from this find, which was written up in March/April 2001 issue of Rocks & Minerals magazine. There is no damage.

Location Loudville Lead Mine, Easthamton, Hampden Co., Massachusetts, USA
Size 3.3" x 2.1" x 1.4"
Suggested Stand A suitable display stand comes free with this specimen.