4.3" Flashy Green PYROMORPHITE Crystals Sharp Undamaged Daoping M China for sale

  • $360.00$1,200.00
  • Product Code: EB0713PYROC4
  • Availability: In Stock

This specimen of PYROMORPHITE comes from the Daoping Mine in Gongcheng Co., Guilin Pref., Guangxi, China. One of my Chinese suppliers brought this and several other pieces to the Tucson Gem, Rock & Mineral Show for me to choose from. They are from a recent find at the Daoping Mine of really top-notch pyromorphite, featuring a lovely bright apple-green color and large, sharp, well-formed crystals.

Location Guangxi, China
Size 4.3" x 3.7" x 2.1"
Suggested Stand A suitable display stand comes free with this specimen