4.3" SparklyDarkGreen MALACHITE Crystals on Turquoise CHRYSOCOLLA Congo for sale

  • $39.00$130.00
  • Mineral: Chrysocolla
  • Product Code: EB0315CHRYMAL4
  • Availability: In Stock

At the Mashamba West mine in 2014, a large pocket produced a quantity of very colorful chrysocolla.  Since there has been little available for several years, this was a welcome discovery.  The best material from this find was the pieces with islands of dark green and very sparkly malachite crystals floating on a sea of bright turquoise chrysocolla.  This specimen has a nice balance between the two highly contrasting minerals, and there is no damage.

Location Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi District, Katanga Province, D.R. Congo
Size 4.3" x 2.6" x 2.0"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand