1.9" Matrix Specimen w/3 Gemmy PINK APATITE Crystals to 1.1" Pakistan for sale

  • $60.00$200.00
  • Mineral: Apatite
  • Product Code: EB0916APAK4
  • Availability: In Stock

There are 3 gemmy apatite crystals on this apatite specimen from Pakistan. They are colored an attractive shade of pastel pink, and are very sharply formed, with glassy sides and 2 have near-flawless terminations.  The crystals have areas that are transparent, and the cores of the crystals are a bit cloudy but still translucent. The front and several sides of the crystals are near perfect, while the backs and bottoms are buried in the matrix.

Location Nagir Mine, Northern Territories, Gilcut, Pakistan
Size 1.9" x 1.8" x 1.2"
Suggested Stand A display square comes free with this specimen.