2.4" PICROPHARMACOLITE AcicularHairyWhite Crystal Mounds Lavrion Greece for sale

  • $28.50$95.00

Tags: 2.4 picropharmacolite acicularhairywhite crystal mounds lavrion greece for sale, eb1017picro4, picropharmacolite

This specimen features fuzzy cushions of picropharmacolite on matrix. Picropharmacolite is a rare Ca-Mg-arsenate, here in snow white silky radial clusters to 2mm. The piece was collected in one of the ancient silver mines at Lavrion in 2008 by a Greek friend, Michael Amouhos.

Location 80 Mine, Plaka Mines, Agios Konstantinos, Lavrion, Attika, Greece
Size 2.4" x 2.0" x 1.2"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand