2.2" RUTILE Lustrous Metallic Red Smooth Crystal +Matrix Graves Mtn GA for sale

  • $16.50$55.00
  • Mineral: Rutile
  • Product Code: EB0719RUTG4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.2 rutile lustrous metallic red smooth crystal matrix graves mtn ga for sale, eb0719rutg4, rutile

This is a bright rutile crystal in matrix from Graves Mountain in Georgia, one of the world's top localities for this titanium dioxide mineral. The dark red crystal has great metallic luster and is set in a light blue calcite matrix with most of the crystal exposed. Crystals from Graves Mountain are increasingly rare in today's market, and this one is a good example.

Location Graves Mountain, Lincoln Co., Georgia, USA
Size 2.2" x 1.8" x 1.1"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand