2.7" Rainbow Colorful BISMUTH Crystal Green Gold Magenta Blue Germany for sale

  • $35.00$140.00
  • Mineral: Bismuth
  • Product Code: EB0618BISG4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.7 rainbow colorful bismuth crystal green gold magenta blue germany for sale, eb0618bisg4, bismuth, tucson18

Here is a colorful, lab-grown specimen of pure bismuth that is incredibly beautiful. It is made up of shiny metallic crystals that are iridescent and rainbow colored, in every neon-bright shade of blue, green, yellow, orange, red and purple. The crystals are deeply hoppered, sharply stair-stepped and very shiny. This is an extremely colorful and very attractive specimen of the native element bismuth.

Location Germany
Size 2.7" x 2.6" x 1.9"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand