1.8" DarkBlue LAZURITE LAPIS LAZULI Crystal in White Marble Afghanistan for sale

  • $21.25$85.00
  • Mineral: Azurite
  • Product Code: EB0817LAZUR4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 1.8 darkblue lazurite lapis lazuli crystal in white marble afghanistan for sale, eb0817lazur4, azurite

Here is a nice, large, and sharp .7" lazurite crystal – commonly known as lapis lazuli – with good color and sharp crystal form. The crystal, which is about 80% exposed, is set in white/gray marble, making for a dramatic color contrast. This is a very fine example of the crystals from this locality.

Location Badakhshan, Nooristan Valley, Afghanistan
Size 1.8" x 1.4" x 1.1"
Suggested Stand A display square comes free with this specimen.