1.9" SharpShiny Metallic RedBlack RUTILE Crystal inMatrix Graves Mtn GA for sale

  • $12.50$50.00
  • Mineral: Rutile
  • Product Code: EB0119RUTG4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 1.9 sharpshiny metallic redblack rutile crystal inmatrix graves mtn ga for sale, eb0119rutg4, rutile

The biggest rutile crystal on this specimen sits atop a piece of milky quartz matrix, which shows off the flashy, lustrous, metallic rutile crystal to perfection. The reddish-silver crystal is 1.2" long and appears to be double terminated. It is accompanied by several other partial crystals around the bottom. I bought this piece from a Georgia dealer who mined it in the early 1990s.

Location Graves Mountain, Lincoln Co., Georgia, USA
Size 1.9" x 1.7" x 1.6"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand