11mm MetallicSilverBlack Octahedral CUPRITE SharpSingle Crystal Siberia for sale

  • $17.50$70.00
  • Mineral: Cuprite
  • Product Code: EB0419CUPR4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 11mm metallicsilverblack octahedral cuprite sharpsingle crystal siberia for sale, eb0419cupr4, cuprite

Here is a sharp single cuprite crystal from classic find at the now-closed Poteryaevskoe copper mine in Western Siberia. The crystal is bright, metallic, dark silver with a subtle hint of red, with outstandingly brilliant luster. The crystal is a nearly complete octahedron, with razor sharp edges and points; there are some smaller crystals growing attached. The tips of the main crystal have super sharp terminations, which is characteristic of the cuprite from this mine. This is a floater piece, with no damage or contact points anywhere. It is a top notch and very desirable specimen from this world class locality.

Location Poteryaevskoe Mine, Rubtsovskoe, Rudnyi Altai, Western Siberian Region, Russia
Size 11 x 11 x 10 mm
Suggested Stand A thumbnail box comes free with this specimen.